Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Death to the President

I have been died for awhile now, so I have no comment on Lincoln's death.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The End!!

The Union army has won the final battle in Appomattox of 1865, though I died way before this time. I feel that if i were alive, my response to this would have been an outrage, but I would have lived on. The Union did win in the end, but the Conferderates had many battles before that were a great assest to them. The Battle of Bull Run, the first battle, the battle of Fort Sumter, and other numerous battles. We might get to claim to the final battle, but we can claim some of the other bigger battles.


Battle of Vicksburg

I am still planning my journey through the Breamuda, granted to me by Presidetn Davis.You can read of this in my letter to Boteler. I hear that the Conferderates have suffered a great loss. This is heartbreaking for me to hear, but we are still a strong people. General Pemberton, you tried, but this one you had to let go.
